

Open Meeting: 11 am

Owners present:


Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice President), Alice

Carey, (Treasurer), Sue Hannah, (Secretary), Wilbur Dukes, Ron Ward

Board Members Absent -

Bob Robinson

Minutes from the 6.18.2011 board meeting accepted.

Revisions to the 7.11.2011 Special call board meeting:

Clarification concerning the road repair loan: There was a vote to get a loan from the bank however;

after the vote there was further discussion. It was agreed that it would not be prudent for the

community to obtain a loan. TBBC would then be obligated to monthly payments from the general fund

regardless of whether everyone who was assessed paid. It was agreed that TBBC is not in a position to

make those loan payments at this time. It was then decided to assess each lot on an equal and fair basis,

collect as much of the monies needed and then proceed with repairs. The money collected from those

on a payment plan would then be placed into a special road repair fund for later use.

Minutes from the 7.11.2011 board meeting accepted with the above noted revisions.

Treasurers Report:

Bank Accounts:


$ 31,782.48 Checking

$ 1,425.40 Checking

Sound Bank


Emergency Reserve


$ 40,281.18 Total

Prepaid 2012 dues


$ 39,060.57 TOTAL


2011 Dues uncollected/active


$ 43,624.39 TOTAL

$ 50,256.03

Spending to date

Budget to date

$ 50,298.00

$ 24,264.94

6 owners past dues owing

Paving loan payoff on 7.21.2011


2,350.46 Approx. $360/ Month to operating capital


Paving balance due- 2 owners


Road repair assessment:


Payments received






$ 49,005.00


$ 53,361.00

Treasurers report accepted.

Special Committee Report:

Policy Compliance Committee:

A letter was received from Tammy Brown in response to a letter sent to her (as well as to others) to

address possible property maintenance violations according to the By-laws.

It was agreed to send her a letter acknowledging her compliance but also to remind her of the policies

and By-laws.

Action item: Sue will send her a letter.

From the President:

Welcomed all owners present.

The pump house is about 65% completed. Thank you to all those who have helped with this

project: Steve Stemhagen, Bob Robinson, Kelly Cumiskey, Mike Censky, Wilbur Dukes, Tom

Williams, Mike Isbell, Ken Brown, and Tyler (Schneiders grandson-who Steve said is the best

worker theyve got!) Bill VanBuskirk, our sewer plant operator said it looks wonderful & he plans

to send pictures to the state.

A trailer was moved by Doug Tredo and his friend to the rear of the home occupied by Carlsen’s

renter. It was her father’s and she plans to fix it up and use it for camping.

Gates which were once on Bearson’s property are now on ORoke’s property. She asked LeRoy

if she could use them on her property. She asked LeRoy if she wrote a letter to the board would

we consider her request. No letter arrived.

LeRoy met the Hansen’s daughter, Dana, who is an independent film producer. She sent

LeRoy a letter, the contents of which LeRoy read aloud. Dana is seeking permission to use

TBBC property, specifically on the back loop for a feature film she is doing September 2, 2011.

Questions were raised in regards to liability insurance, permission, credits and compensation.

A motion was made and approved for LeRoy to look further into what will be required.

Old Business:

Road Paving Schedule: Steve reported that as soon as 50% of the funds are received, he will

contact the contractor, Northern Asphalt to place us on his schedule to begin the paving repairs.

The scope of the work is dependent upon the amount of money received within the allotted 30


Becky Alexander asked whether the price changes depending upon the scope of the work. Steve

answered the contractor would need to come out and describe to us what work can be done

with the received amount of money. Becky stated she has experience with seeking a contract for

the parking lot of her employer. She said a contractor requires the same amount of equipment

whether it’s a small or large job thus the amount of compensation may be more. Another

question is what will happen if we don’t collect enough money to do the repairs.

John Carey addressed the questions. He stated he has over 40 years of experience with paving.

Our roads were not designed by a civil engineer so our repairs and patches, the last were done

about 7 years ago, were done incorrectly and have failed. The seven most crucial areas will

require extensive work and will be addressed first. The other areas will be done as we can.

A question as to how many bids were obtained: 5

Whether the winning bid is a guaranteed bid. It is for the work defined.

A question by Don Tjossem was asked why we are not calling this a road maintenance fund.

Discussion followed as to the reasoning behind the Board’s decision of not obtaining a loan

versus using just the funds collected to pay for the repairs. The money we collect for dues puts

us too close to the bone” stated Jerry Van Noy. Alice said its not feasible to extend our liability

for a loan when approximately 20% of the membership either cannot or do not pay their dues.

Asked whether raising the yearly dues for an additional amount, to be strictly allocated and

placed into a separate account for yearly road repair was an option, Alice stated the board has

not addressed this formally. Road repair is going to have to be an annual project so repairs are

kept to a minimum and the costs contained.

A question was asked: If we don’t collect enough money to do the repairs this year, what will

we do? Answer: we’ll have to wait until we have enough. The 50% down payment amount is

dependent upon how much is collected in the 30 day deadline to get on the schedule.

Unfinished Business:

Beach sign update: nothing to report. Agreed to change verbiage to “pack it in, pack it out”.

Action item: Alice and LeRoy will work on getting this project completed.

Park Ranger Update:

1. Garbage can at the beach: being used for household garbage. If Ken finds any additional hell


2. Ok to replace beach hose

3. Log on the beach has been secured to use it for hill erosion. Rebar will be used for a

permanent fix. Steve will help with this project.

4. Picnic table donated to the beach

5. Ken will do a separate email list

6. Ken will ask PL&G to weed whack the beach grass

7. Rent a D&M dumpster to remove the limbs from the park cleanup or get a bid from PL&G

Motion made and approved to spend up to $300 to remove the limbs.

Sewer plant mowing: Bill said he’ll handle it:

he wants to pay someone to do it. The amount will

be deducted from his monthly salary to hire someone.

PL&G written contract: requested and received. Needs LeRoy’s signature and returned to Tony.

Water leak : was found and repaired at Tammy Brown’s property for sale on 81st St Ct.

Fire Hazard letters: fire danger is still low according to the sign at Wauna Fire Station. Will

assess and send as needed.

Community yard sale: will not be held this year. If there is interest, it will be held in 2012 and

then possibly every other year.

New Business:

Tree removal: Mike and Rose Censky presented their appeal for reimbursement consideration

for the removal of a tree bordering TBBC and their property which had reportedly caused

damage to their water line from the tree roots. They were not asking for reimbursement

consideration for the damage to their water line only for the tree removal.

LeRoy read Policy 06-01, which was signed on 9-4-2008, and sent to all members, states

prune, trim, cut or otherwise alter trees ,shrubs or other plant life on TBBC property, approval

shall be obtained from the Board BEFORE any action is taken.

The Board will review their request.

John Lafer email:

asking for a reduction of the assessment for his vacant lot. A letter will

be sent noting the By-Law which addresses how each lot is to be assessed equally whether

improved or not.

Don Tjossem email: Road repair assessment concerns were addressed during discussion.

Tom Carroll (John Carroll) letter: requesting an appeal for reimbursement for sewer line issue.

Alice read a response she had written which noted the sewer blueprints and suggested the

problem line is not part of TBBC sewer system but was in fact added by the previous owner for

reasons unknown.

The conclusion is more study is needed: tabled until next board meeting.

Policy 09-01 revision: added additional language to clarify payments and penalties for special


Motion made and approved to accept revision to policy 09-01.

Date of next meeting: Saturday, August 27, 2011 11 am Beach Cabana

Meeting adjourned.