11 am

Owners present:


Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice President), Alice

Carey, Treasurer,( via telephone), Sue Hannah, Secretary, Bob Robinson


March 31, 2012


Open Meeting:

Board Members Absent -

Ron Ward

Minutes from February 2012 meeting accepted.

Treasurers Report:

Bank accounts:

Key Bank

Sound Bank




10,911.93) Road repair Collected Balance-in Key Bank


700.00) Pre-paid 2013 dues-in Key Bank



Key Savings

$ 15,016.73

Road Asmnt






( 35,457.84) Paid to Northern Asphalt

10,911.93 Collected balance @ Key Checking

8,653.96 Due from 17 owners

2012 Spending to date:

2012 Budget


19,176.00 Difference ($2,346.83)

17 members still owe for Road Assessment

21 members still owe for 2012 dues.

2011 dues still owing: 2 owners

2011 & 2012 Fines - 2 owners : $900.00

1 member paid a substantial amount on his dues and road assessment.

Discussion regarding owners who will be receiving a 30 day water shutoff letter for non payment of

dues and or assessment.

The attorney, Mark Roberts, advised Alice the board is authorized to use a collection agency however,

he will look over the contract and advise us.

Treasurer's report accepted.

An unusual payment plan submitted by the tenant of Carlsen's rental was discussed. In order to

prevent water from being shut off to the property due to the Carlsen's nonpayment of the dues and

road repair assessment, the tenant sent in a payment plan. The board determined the plan as written

is unacceptable. It was decided that Steve and Sue will meet with the tenant to explain the board's

reasons for rejection and to propose a plan which is deemed acceptable.

Steve made a motion to have the tenant make a payment in April, May and June and will

include the late payment fees for a total of $1,127.59. Motion carries.

The board, with the exception of Bob Robinson, was in agreement with the motion who gave a nay

vote. He feels the board needs to deal strictly with the owner and not the tenant.

Special Committee's Report:

The Policy Compliance Committee:

On March 26, 2012, Barb Robinson called the Pierce County Health and Building Inspection

Departments in regards to several properties which are in violation of Taylor Bay Beach Club's By laws.

Barb was notified that an inspector would be coming out on an unknown date to inspect the properties.

Letters and fines continue for Carl Skagg.

Letters and fines continue for Lennea O'Roke.

From the President:

Thank you to Bob & Barb for holding the meeting in their home.

LiquiVision is scheduled for a clean out of the water tank on April 7, 2012 @ 8am.

The insurance company for the policy for Taylor Bay property is no longer covering properties

including sewer plants. Our agent told LeRoy she will secure a new company and advise.

John Kolodzy passed away in February and his nephew will be cleaning up the property then list

it for sale.

The trespasser seen sleeping in a van at the beach, has been identified and he was informed he

was trespassing.

A letter from the Department of Ecology noting the sewer plant license was due to expire was

received. LeRoy wrote a check for $155.25 and mailed it March 31, 2012.

Old Business:

5 Year Plan: Bob continues to work on the skeleton report for the 5 year plan.

Ken's Report:

a. The burn pile will be completed before the May meeting.

b. PL&G: TBBC will take back the mowing and the ditches along the roadways after the initial

cleanup to reduce our landscaping costs.

c. The TBBC mower is 15 years old and will need to be replaced soon.

d. The initial cleanup by PL&G is scheduled for April 12th

There was discussion about whether to solicit for less expensive labor for some of the landscaping


Unfinished Business:

A call was made by an owner to the Pierce County Sheriff regarding a resident who has been a

nuisance in the community. The sheriff's dept. informed the owner that unless the individual is

breaking the law, is a danger to himself or others, there is nothing they can do. However, a

suggestion made by the Deputy regarding a petition, signed by the HOA, in order to secure a

restraining order by a judge, would give the Sheriff's department the power to intercede.

Hazelquist's puddle problem: they will need to show where the infiltration ditch is. The

conclusion is that the problem is TBBC's and will be corrected.

Steve made a motion to talk to the attorney in regards to preparing a restraining and or

anti harassment order. Motion carries.

Action item: Alice will talk with Mark regarding this.

New Business:

Ron Ward's board position replacement will be deferred until the Spring General Meeting.

A verbal complaint was brought up by Bob Robinson in regards to Jim Gregory's pickup which

has not moved in years. Bob noted the tabs expired in 2003 and some tires are flat. A trailer on

the property will also need to be addressed. A letter will be sent to Tammy Brown's by the Policy

Compliance Committee.

There is a leak over the bank from a pipe at the sewer plant. LeRoy will contact Bill VanBuskirk

to investigate the source and to test the water coming from the pipe.

Steve brought forth a complaint (using a visual aid) about the fact that some have called the

Policy Compliance Committee a "vigilante" group when in fact he noted the committee is simply

following the board's instruction to enforce the bylaws and policies.

Date of next meeting:

Saturday, April 28, 2012

11 am

@ Longbranch Fire Station

Meeting adjourned.

Sue Hannah, Secretary