6pm in the Cabana at the beach

Owners present:


Board Members Present - Steve Stemhagen, President, Sue Hannah, Vice

President, Alice Carey, Treasurer, Barb Wakefield, Secretary, Wilbur Dukes, Bob

Robinson, Harold Mattoon


June 2, 2012


Open Meeting:

Board Members Absent -


Motion to accept the April 28, 2012 as they are. Minutes accepted.

Treasurers Report:

New procedure to begin with this meeting. All liens, water shut offs, collections,

past dues, payment plans, etc. will be discussed in a closed executive board

meeting directly after open board meeting.

Bank accounts:

2012 Dues recv'd to date


802.84) Pre-paid 2013 dues-in


Key Bank

Petty Cash (deposited in Sound CU account)


2012 Spending to date:

2012 Budget






Right on budget

Road Assessment





(35,457.84) Paid to Northern Asphalt

(13,553.76) Reserved for phase 2 road repairs- Key


Key Savings

Sound Bank




2012 Operating



Reserve account

$ 15,319.11

Old Business

The Pierce County Dept. of Emergency Management Mitigation Plan Don

reports on making a plan for capital improvements, enhancements, and a

time line to be made for financial planning. Don suggests we discuss doing a

reserve study.

Community Clean up- Ken reports that the park is hardly used by anybody

and thinks we should do just minimum of cleaning up storm debris.

4th of July donations- a request is made for donations to buy ice cream for

the 4th of July parade.

Fence- We need to get some barbwire to block the area that people drive a 4

wheeler around about 20 feet . Steve and Wilbur have volunteered to put it


A Motion made, Moved and seconded and passed to purchase the

needed barbwire.

Sewer plant pipe repair discussion. It has been temporarily fixed and Steve

will get bids for permanent repair.

Removal of Cottonwood tree on the corner of 81st and 176th. The tree is

damaged and needs to come down. Steve has volunteered to look at it and

see if there are power lines around or if it will be easy to come down.

Special Committee Report

Mission statement development, being worked on by compliance

committee-anyone who wants to be on committee can be on it.

Bob has worked on the definition of 3 types of properties in Taylor bay

o Occupied/Developed lot- Property with anything on it, house, trailer,

boat, any sort of personal property

o Vacant has access to water and sewer but nothing on it, raw land

o Undeveloped-No access to water or sewer and nothing on property

(Such as the back loop)

Bob Suggest we developed maintenance standards for the various types of

Properties the by-laws are written in a way that are subject to interpretation.

Bob suggests that we need to develop what we want as the standard. If we

develop a system we can be consistent and measurable. Bob has volunteered

to draft a document.

10 Letters were sent out to clean up their yards. 15 day response time.

Results from past letters have been fairly good.

Discussion on towing vehicles in TBBC easement. One resident is in violation.

Motion made for Bob Robinson to call a tow company and have the vehicle

towed if amount to tow is $200 or less. Seconded and Motion approved.

Presidents Report

Nothing to report at this time

Meeting adjourned for a Closed Executive Session.

New Business

Ditch maintenance- the current landscape crew has been put on hold for

budget purposes. We will look at getting a bid from someone in the

community provided that they are licensed and bonded. Tony has been good

at maintenance since hired.

Telephone Marc reports on having a centralized phone line for all of Taylor

bay to call and this will transcribe the message and e-mail all the board

members. He has already set up a phone number. You can also send a text

message to that phone number. This will allow us to all work together. The

phone number will be put on all forms, website, etc. A greeting message will

need to be made. Marc needs to have all the current board member e-mails,

Barb volunteered to provide the e-mail addresses.

Don reports that FEMA has money available when a disaster hits. To get

money and help that might be available; we need to have a plan in place. The

costs to fix the sewer plant alone would be quite expensive. We need an

engineering study/plan. Don has volunteered to do the paperwork for FEMA

and go to meetings. Generally they like 2 people for the planning, he asked

for another person to join him. Don will be the contact for them. Jerry

volunteered to be the second person and work with Don.

Membership packets- Ken has made new packets for new members and a

new letter with Steve as the president.

The newly built storage house at the water tower is being dedicated to past

president LeRoy Seeley. A list of possible wording for the dedication sign.

Was passed out and decided to go with the one LeRoy likes best.

Motion made by Bob to accept the wording and make a sign. The

motion carried.

Meeting Calendar-

Discussion about making the meeting the same time and day like the first

Saturday of each month. We will not need to post each month otherwise it

becomes a special meeting. Discussion of doing the meetings at the local Fire

station, for the summer (July, August and September) in the Cabana.

Date of next meeting: Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 5pm at the Beach cabana