11am in the Cabana at the beach

Owners present:


Board Members Present - Steve Stemhagen (President), Sue Hannah (Vice

President), Alice Carey (Treasurer), Barb Wakefield (Secretary), Wilbur Dukes,

Harold Mattoon


July 7, 2012


Open Meeting:

Board Members Absent -

Bob Robinson

Motion by Alice to accept the June 2, 2012 Minutes as written.

Seconded, Motion carried.

Treasurers Report:

Broken down into what we have spent through the end of June.

2012 Spending thru end of June


2012 Budget




Looks like we will be within budget or under budget for the year.

2012 Dues recv'd to date


( 802.84)Pre-paid 2013 dues-in Key Bank

Petty Cash (deposited in Sound CU account)


Bank accounts:

Key Checking

Sound Checking




Key Savings (reserve account)


(600.00) Ear marked for road repairs

(100.00 per Mo)


2012 Operating



Road Assessment





(35,457.84) Paid to Northern Asphalt


Reserved for phase 2 road repairs- Key


2012 Tax Assessment We received all of our green cards and Taylor Beach Club

Property values went down about 20%. So our taxes will not increase this year.

Park Ranger Report (Ken Brown)

Presented the sign of appreciation for LeRoy Seeley. He will ask LeRoy where on the

building he would like the sign to be mounted.

Ditch maintenance was discussed. Ken made a color coded map of where he feels

the priorities are for maintenance. He said we get 11 hours of labor with 4 guys

working for the allotted $500.00. Some discussion was made on keeping the grass

level with the mowed area rather than going into the ditch, as we may be able to

cover more ditches this way. Many owners are starting to maintain the ditches in

front of their own homes. Tony and the Maintenance crew should be out on Thursday.

There is a suggested plan to do an annual water hydrant blow off. Probably to be

done on July 19t.

The normal water blow offs are still scheduled. The Hydrant should

take about 3 to 4 hours and the level of the water tank will be monitored.

Ken proposed that Taylor bay help purchase a pigtail that will hook up to the Taylor

Bay generator for Freds welder. Fred would be willing to do some welding for Taylor

Bay maintenance and repairs. Ken will pay half of the cost as he wants his stove


A motion was made by Alice to pay $60.00 towards the purchase of the pigtail in

order for the welder to be used for Taylor Bay. Sue seconded the motion and the

Motion was carried.

Ken received some covers for free and he wants to use one to store the Taylor Bay

Tractor. He says it needs a new top and would cost about $120.00. He said his son

would be willing to pay for the top in trade for the small boat that was abandon that

Taylor bay has been storing at the water plant for about 7 years unclaimed.

A motion was made to get rid of the boat in trade for a new top for storage,

Seconded and motion carried.

Discussion for Yard maintenance for properties that have been abandon. Who is

responsible for maintaining the property or maintenance costs. If the property goes

through foreclosure then we can bill whoever takes the property over, such as the

bank. We can bill for all fees due, including water assessments, water reinstatement

fees and late fees, as long as we know who has taken the property over. If the

county/state takes it, we cannot do any billing and lose out on the monies due to

Taylor Bay Beach club. We can have Tony cut the lawns and bill the bank. We should

take photos of before and after to give proof to Bank. We would have to pay upfront

for the mowing.

The Beach Parking Area grass needs maintenance. Alice has a volunteer that will take

care of where the berries grow twice a year.

Compliance Committee Report

The vehicle was moved and the trailer was moved up to other driveway

T.B.’s Truck was towed that was parked in Right away

Karen reports that 3 Letters went out yesterday notifying owners of fine

assessments. One more Letter will go out.

It was suggested that a letter go put for the Debris in yard left from Remodel

o Might need to develop a stricter policy for this. A letter needs to written

then the owner has 30 days to comply. Discussion on rules about waste

storage and fines. Discussion continued to include long lawns as being a

fire hazard.

o Decided a letter needs to be sent out

Presidents Report

Trying to get the key situation under control. Ken Brown is helping by re-instating a

key log to know who has all the keys.

A member who’s water is turned off was caught filling containers from the beach


Date of next meeting:

Saturday, August 18th, 2012 at 10am at the Beach Cabana

Meeting adjourned for a Closed Executive Session.

The discussion for the closed session followed the items listed on the agenda.

Meeting opened back up

Steve will acquire locks on Monday to have matching keyed locks for Locking water

access to properties that are delinquent.

Water testing was done. Random samplings were done throughout the community

and the community water has passed all tests. The results will be posted at the mail


Meeting Adjourned

Old Business

Phase 2 of road repair. We did 11 patches last year. We still have 11 or 12 left to do,

depending on how far our money goes. We have about $14,000 in reserve (Actual

$13,933.76). We are looking at being able to do roughly 7 more with those funds. Is it

time to contact Northern Asphalt to look at what and when he can do? We still have

income for the road assessment from three people on payment plans that will be paid

off in October for another @$1700.00. Last year the bad spots (in the roads) were

marked to see if they would grow. Some of them have grown and also new spots

have developed. We can pick the priorities and go from there. Steve will contact Mike

at Northern Asphalt.

Pulling up logs on beach for the break water. John will take a drawing to the county to

get permission to repair the existing break water on the beach. Wants to know how

much it will cost for Charbeneau to do the repairs. We have the name of the engineer

if we need the information. There is a county meeting on shore line management on

Saturday that Jerry will attend.

The tree removal from the corner of 81st and 176th will be assessed to see if the trees

are actually on Taylor Bay Property or if they are the responsibility of the property

owners. We need to figure out the property lines are. If it falls in Taylor Bay property

we should have a licensed contractor take them down.

The Barbwire has been purchased but still needs to be installed. There has not been

any problems with kids driving around the gate since they have been talked to

The new Taylor bay central number seems to be working well. There was one

complaint that there was nothing on it. But there is some kind of greeting recorded.

New Business

Private Property maintenance Standards is being worked on. Bob has worked on a

written document and Steve is requesting that we all give our feed back to Bob. It’s a

great start. By the October meeting lets have something to present to the

community. Discussion on how far do we go, just visible from road? The owner

doesnt do it, we mow and lien the owner.

Jerry stated that he has not been able to get together with Don in regards to the

FEMA project they were supposed to be working on together.

Jerry announced that it is Bevs birthday and everyone is invited for cake and ice


Discussion regarding the closed session Executive meeting- Tom brought a Home

Owner Association Law/Regulation - RCW 64.38. He wants to be sure that we do

everything properly, just in case we are taken to court or anything. The laws will be

looked out more closely. Discussion was continued regarding keeping personal

information private.