10am in the Cabana at the beach

Owners present:


Board Members Present - Steve Stemhagen (President), Sue Hannah (Vice

President), Alice Carey (Treasurer), Barb Wakefield (Secretary), Wilbur Dukes,

Harold Mattoon


August 18, 2012


Open Meeting:

Board Members Absent - Bob Robinson

Motion by Alice to accept the July 7, 2012 Minutes as written.

Seconded by Sue, Motion carried.

Treasurers Report:

Broken down into what we have spent through the end of June.

General funds

Key Bank


Sound CU




Allocated to Road Repairs



Pre-paid 2013 dues-in Key Bank

Operating Capital


Total to date expenses


Final demand letters have gone out for Dues collections.

Discussion on Dues Increase.

We will need to get a notice out to the community within 20 days of the

October meeting with the amount proposed. Steve will be getting

information on how much the repairs and maintenance will be for the sewer

plant for 2012.

Discussion on the expense of putting in water meters

Want to be sure there is no broken pipes. Taylor bay is responsible for being

sure all the meters are in place and working.

We need to have a reserve account; we are operating without spending

anything additional. If we have some sort of emergency or large repairs to do

we will need this.

Capital improvements will need to be made, sewer plant, road repairs, the

recent pump station malfunction that needs to be repaired. We have funds

for that emergency but what if something else pops up?

We have some issues with the beach bank needing tree removal and

stabilization. Just the study and permitting process with cost about $10,000.

The road assessment will be exhausted after the next phase of repairs this


A motion was made to raise the dues by approximately $20 per month for a total of $250

per member per year. Motion carried.

Compliance Committee Report

Letters have gone out for lot clean ups

Fines are continuing on some lots and fines will start on some lots soon.

There is tansy wort growing on a lot that needs to be taken care of. The

county has previously sent out notices that it needs to be removed or there

will be fines.

Article 8 Section 5 2C- All structures and landscape shall be maintained in

good condition and repair at all times so as not to become unreasonably

objectionable to neighbors or detrimental to the development.

A motion was made by Alice to come up with the funds, due to fire hazard, to

hire PL & G to cut and remove the debris on the three problem properties.

Motion Carried.

Old Business

Phase 2 of road repair will take place next month. We will be taking up areas

that are 1 inch thick and replacing them with 3 inches.

Ken has been dragging the logs that float up on the beach to help stop the

eroding. That is called soft armoring by the county. Unfortunately about 60

feet of the bank just off of the boat ramp has collapsed and needs to be

addressed or we may lose the entire bank which may also take the road away.

Which could prevent us from coming down to the beach.

Ken met with Charboneau and Geotech a few years ago. We called Glen Cole a

civil engineer, he came out and walked the beach with us. We had a drawing

that we need to do to the bank of the beach. Which would be placing 10 man

rocks side by side, leaving space for the critters to climb in and out, because

that’s what the county wants, all the way down the beach to keep the wave

action at high tide from eroding away the bank. This is not a permanent

solution. It will only slow down the process of soil being washed away. The

bulk heads similar to across the way would be a more permanent solution.

The permits alone to get this started are $6000, no matter if we fix only an

inch or 600 feet. That should be all inclusive.

A motion was made by Sue to pay for the Civil engineer for the preliminary permit

process in the amount of $400 to $500. Motion passed.

New Business

The trees on the beach bank need to be cut as soon as possible to avoid

further erosion.

Kids driving motorized vehicles were discussed.

A committee will be formed to get out the dues proposal and meeting

announcement. Committee will consist of Wilbur, Alice, Steve, Sue, Barb and

Jerry. Anyone else that wants to join is welcome. Meeting will be on

September 5th at 6pm in the Cabana.

A new member, Bob came to meeting to inform the Board that he is going to

put up a covered parking area. He has done his homework and knows where

his property corners are and will adhere to the county regulations of the 6

foot setback and getting it permitted if needed.

Date of next Board meeting:

the Beach Cabana.

Saturday, September 29th, 2012 at 10am at

Open Meeting adjourned for a Closed Executive Session.

The discussion for the closed session followed the items listed on the agenda.

Meeting opened back up

We are required to have an audit and that needs to be done soon.

A motion was made by Alice to accept the proposed pay off by a Member

for their outstanding balance. Motion was approved.

Meeting Adjourned