10:00 am at the Longbranch Church

Owners present:

21 community members


October 5, 2013


Open Meeting:

Board Members Present - Steve Stemhagen (President), Sue Hannah (Vice

President), Alice Carey (Treasurer), Barb Wakefield (Secretary), Harold Mattoon,

Wilbur Dukes,

Board Members absent Shannon Irwin

From the President:

Thank you to Karen and Sue for the refreshments today.

Thank you to John Carey for working down at the sewer plant

Thank you to Ken Brown for his continued volunteer efforts that benefit

all of us in the community.

Welcome to all our new community members.

We have a new contractor for the Sewer plant and water system,

named Marty Grabill. He has started cleaning up the system and it is

starting to look really good.

Eventually we will be required to read the water meters. Its a good

idea to locate your and clean it up- clear any debris away for ease of

access. It would be a good idea to insulate them so they do not freeze

in the winter months.

Reminder to not burn your garbage, it is against the law.

Please pick up after your dogs when they poop in the neighborhood or

on the beach.

Motion was made to accept the Spring Membership Minutes from

May 4th, 2013 as written. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report:

Bank accounts:


Key Bank


(Reserve Account)

Sound Bank

$4533.33 (Road Repairs Fund)


Sound Bank


Key Bank



2013 Operating

Capital for balance of year

Budgeted expenses thru December



2013 Dues recv'd to date

$ 82,519.97 ($88,200

was billed)

2013 Special Assessment recv’d to date

(22,050 was billed)

Special assessment expenditures





As of 10/5/13-

Dues-$88,200 was billed to members. 3 are members are on extended payment

plans, 2 have been turned over to an attorney, 1 has been turned into collections, 3

are in tax foreclosure, 2 properties are for sale, 2 properties will soon be in tax


Special Assessment- $22,050 was billed to members. $21,256.50 has been

collected so far including late fees and interest charges. 5 members owe (balance

due -$2,673.50 including late fees and interest) - 2 have been turned over to the

attorney, 2 are in foreclosure, 1 turned into collections

Road repairs special assessment- $52, 690.79 has been collected to date. 5

members owe for a total of about $4,478. -2 have been turned over to the attorney,

1 is in foreclosure, 1 turned into collections

The financial audit has been completed. We are in compliance and if you would like

a copy of the report you can contact Alice.

Treasurer's report accepted.

Old Business:

All the paper work is turned into the county for our proposed beach repairs.

We are getting closer. We are now waiting for the Peninsula advisory board to

approve it then it will go to the Pierce County judge for final approval. Then

we can proceed to get bids for the needed work. After we receive the bids,

there will need to be an assessment to pay for the repairs.

John and Alice Carey have assessed the roads and there are some areas that

need attention soon. We are hoping to get them repaired in the spring. It is a

possible assessment to the membership.

Saturday, November 16, 2013 10 am at the

Meeting adjourned.

Taylor Bay Beach Club Central Phone number- (253) 778-6008

Taylor Bay Beach Club website- http://www.taylorbay.org

You can find all the Minutes and Policies on the TBBC website.

*Note- If there are other community members that would like to join the

committees formed at this meeting, please contact a board member or call the

central number.

New business:

The stairs at the cabana are in need of repair. We are asking for volunteers to

come up with a plan on how to do this and figure out costs. Whether this is

done by volunteers or by a contractor. We would like to keep the costs down

for our community. Currently someone is filling in the holes of the rotted

railroad ties to keep people from tripping or falling. A sign-up sheet was

passed around and a few members signed up to help. Thank you to those

who volunteered, Ken Brown, Jerry Van Noy and Russ Sweany!

The gate is in need of maintenance. We passed around a sign-up sheet for a

maintenance committee. A few members signed up for this. Thanks again to

the members who volunteered, LeRoy Seeley and Becky Alexander!

Alice’s board position is over in the spring. We will need to have a new

treasurer. We also feel that we will need to hire a book keeper as this is a

very time consuming job. Are there members with suggestions?

We are drawing up a plan to control the number of rentals in the

neighborhood. And making policies around this. If there are members

interested in helping please be in contact with the board. The rental cap will

be a bylaw change. There were a few people who were interested in helping

and volunteered to be on the committee. Thank you to Jerry Van Noy, Karen

Ekdahl and Becky Alexander for volunteering!

A new policy 13-01 regarding the gate keys and mailbox keys being the

responsibility of the owners of the rentals within Taylor Bay BC was given out

to members.

Another policy 12-01 was passed out to members. This policy is in regards to

unpaid fines, penalties and sanctions for non-compliance of the TBBC bylaws

and/or policies.

A potluck will be held at the beach today at 4:00 pm

Date of next Board meeting:

Longbranch Fire Station