November 16, 2013


Open Meeting:

10:00 am at Longbranch Fire Station

Owners present:

4 community members

Board Members Present - Steve Stemhagen (President), Sue Hannah (Vice

President), Alice Carey (Treasurer), Barb Wakefield (Secretary), Harold Mattoon,

Wilbur Dukes,

Board Members absent Shannon Irwin

Motion was made to accept the September 28th, 2013 Minutes as

written. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report: (as of Nov 16th)

Savings accounts-

Key Savings Account


Sound CU Savings

$4,833.69 Road repair fund ($100 per

mo. goes in here- this balance reflects

through the end of 2013)

Checking accounts-

Key Bank Checking


Sound Credit Union


($5,291) 2013 Special Assessment



Operating Capital

Dues Balances 11/16/2013 Collected $83,409.52 including late fees and

interest charges ($88,200 billed to members) 2 Members on extended Payment

plans (balance $99.54), 1 property turned over to the attorney for collections

(balance $666.24), 1 owner with 3 lots in process at attorney, 1 account turned

over to collections, 1 property recently sold (awaiting pmt of $2490), 2

President Report:

The sewer pipe was cleaned from the sewer plant all the way to the beach

and there were no leaks found.

Some dead trees and over hanging branches were cut down and trimmed

around the corner to the back loop area. A BIG thank you to Ken Brown and

Bob Robinson for cleaning up the debris.

Old Business:

The update for the beach repairs- We are waiting for the decision. The

Peninsula committee meets once per month on a Wednesday. They did not

get the information in time for their meeting this month. They should have it

on their agenda to discuss in December. Glen Code has agreed to go to all

the hearings and a representative from the TBBC board will also be there.

Facilities manual update. It is time consuming formatting the photos to insert

into the text. A discussion on getting a text version to the board until the final

copy is complete.

Taylor Bay BC now has a Mastercard thru Key Bank. It keeps the board from

having to use their own personal cards.

New Business:

The annual water reports (CCR) have not been submitted since 2009. Marty

our new contractor for the water and sewer plant is helping us to get the

forms filled out. All the tests were taken and it all passed but the form was

not submitted. The water quality is satisfactory. We will be posting it at the

mailbox billboard.

A new Yard compliance Guidelines check list is being written up for an

objective evaluation of properties by the compliance committee.

o There will be 3 defined categories, Developed or otherwise occupied

lots, Vacant lots, and undeveloped lots.

o There will also be a check list for each category.

o The board is reviewing what has been written so far and will have

changes or suggestions to Alice by next week, November 22nd.

o This policy will be complete and mailed out with the yearly dues


There is work on a bylaw amendment for limiting the amount of rentals

allowed to be in our community. It may be presented at the next Members

meeting. The policies under the bylaw change will also have to be written.

More research on how other communities do this is needed. Looking for

volunteers to help with the research.

There are still a few owners that are not in compliance with the TBBC rules

and letters are going out, some abandon vehicles

properties in tax foreclosure (that owe), 2 properties soon to be in tax


Treasurer's report accepted.

The equipment that records the video at the front gate, is not working. The

board has agreed to purchase a new hard drive for the recorder. Discussion

on moving the location of the recorder was discussed as it is in a member’s

private property and should be on TBBC property for ease of access.

There are reports of a stolen golf cart, some gas syphoned, a battery stolen,

someone caught a person under their vehicle trying to dismantle parts and

drug paraphilia is being found at the sewer from people flushing down.

Neighbors need to be aware.

There was a lot of discussion regarding the lift station on the back loop. About

a year ago it failed and a member had sewage come up into their bathtub.

We would like to keep this from happening again by installing a one way

valve to keep it from flowing back. The board has agreed that something

needs to be done and we are getting bids. The lift station alarm was going off

a lot when it rains a bunch. So the alarm was disabled to keep from

disturbing the neighbors. Now the light is the only way to tell if there is an

overflow. There has been some initial determinations made and we will need

to locate the exact location of the lines. It seems to be about 10 to 12 feet

deep. We will look at the maps of the Taylor Bay sewer lines to determine if

we can find the hook ups to the lift station. Otherwise we need to hire

someone to come out to locate it.

Discussion regarding the generator at the water plant. It is exercised from

time to time to be sure it is in working order. We can use it in case of a long

power outage to refill the well or power the lift station. Ken Brown has been

keeping it in working order and has some gas on hand if needed. Discussion

on taking the wheel off of the trailer for added security measures. The wheel

will be stored in the well house. There was a lock taken from the Water tank


Date of next meeting:

Saturday, January 25, 2014 10 am at the

Longbranch Fire Station

Meeting adjourned.

Closed Executive session

Treasures report

o Delinquent accounts

o Fines

o Non-compliance issues

o Legal Matters

o Collections and Attorney

Executive Session Adjourned